Wednesday, 28 September 2016

devenir membre

bobo dioulasso, Burkina Faso // Blair:Falling for a girl but she’s giving me mixed emotions about how she feels towards me?(I’m bi)?(20 September 2016) Blair:But then she’ll be like just kidding.(20 September 2016) Blair:Like for example today we were texting , she told me to shut up and I was like make me . Then [...]

We live with my grandma and my mom forges my grandmothers signature on cjhecks.
(28 September 2016)

She done this a few other times and then went to jail twice.
(28 September 2016)

So my mom is a drug addict and she stole money from my grandma to get her drugs.
(28 September 2016)

Should I take a break from the Internet?
(28 September 2016)

The reason this is so difficult for me is because I love the feeling that people are seeing what I create and there are a lot of things on the site that I'm passionate about, so it'll be hard to leave.
(28 September 2016)

The worst part is that only people I've allowed to follow me can see my posts, so the people constantly calling me out and sending me hate are obviously people I trust, or perhaps an even online friends with.
(28 September 2016)

I know anonymous hate is stupid, but the reason I retreated online in the first place was because I'm too sensitive.
(28 September 2016)

It's usually people calling me out on stupid things, or just blatantly without reason insulting me.
(28 September 2016)

My tumblr blog has gained popularity in the past few years, but I've suddenly seen so much more anonymous hate in my inbox.
(28 September 2016)

There are lots of things I'm so much more confident about doing online, like posting my drawings, but recently I've been considering just ditching social media for a while.
(28 September 2016)

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