Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Or do you secretly wonder how to understand your personal finances?

He worked in maintenance, and I worked in an office. Then Marty was injured and became disabled, and I decided to work from home so I could be here when he and the kids needed me. Very quickly, I realized that these changes would have a big impact on our personal finances and our future._ … Continue reading "Or do you secretly wonder how to understand your personal finances?"

I was talking to a guy online (from the same area) and it was going very well.
(30 August 2016)

When it seems theres nothing and nothing hopes and nothinf u can do?
(30 August 2016)

I want sex since i was 3 is that ok?
(30 August 2016)

Very important in need of relationship advice??
(30 August 2016)

He cheated once, I know it's bad but he said sorry and I love him and forgave him.
(30 August 2016)

It's a girl btw It's just that I like it a lot tho.
(30 August 2016)

Why do younger girls just stare at you?
(30 August 2016)

I feel like my crush is too good for me, what should I do?
(30 August 2016)

But I'm not sure what to do...can you guys help?
(30 August 2016)

Plus, we have no classes together year, but I might see him in the halls.
(30 August 2016)

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